As someone with Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC) I firmly believe my wellness and healing come first from God, then Western medicine and nutrition.  At the beginning of my cancer journey I knew God was primary for my survival, and felt as Western medicine was my only choice in not only eliminating the and keeping my cancer at bay.

However, after much research I began to understand that unless I changed my eating habits I had exposed my body to harmful radiation and its possible side effects for no good reason. I needed to be willing to change other parts of my life to have fighting chance of beating this aggressive cancer.

Over the years, there have been arguments on which foods and herbs are best for cancer patients to consume.  I am not a licensed nutritional expert and therefore am not suggesting any certain diet, only sharing information I’ve found through my research since being diagnosed. Each reader needs to make his or her own nutritional and diet decision.  I do recommend you let your oncologist know the specifics of whichever diet you decide on. 

This page is dedicated to information I’ve gathered pertaining to fighting cancer through nutrition.

Cancer Fighting Foods

According to MD Anderson, there is no 1 single food which will eliminate or 100% prevent you from having cancer. However, there are many cancer-fighting foods loaded with nutrients such as, phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients. Phytochemicals are compounds found in plants that can help prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

Cancer fighting fruits include:
*Apples (green has the least amount of sugar)
* Berries Dark, such as blueberries, blackberries and raspberries
* Cranberries: high levels phenolic and anti-oxidant activity
* Grapes; red and purple. The grape's skin has the most antioxidants, so be sure to leave the skin intact when eating.
* Strawberries

Amla: highest antioxidant content of any food on earth

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals

According to the National Cancer Society, cruciferous vegetables contain cancer-fighting properties called glucosinolates, which are associated with decreased inflammation, lowering the risk of cancer.

Examples of cruciferous vegetables are:
* Arugula
* Bok choy
* Broccoli
* Brussels sprouts
* Cabbage
* Cauliflower
* Collard greens
* Horseradish
* Kale
* Radishes
* Rutabaga
* Turnips
* Watercress
* Wasabi

According to Medical News Today there are certain vegetables known to fight cancer, in addition to providing numerous other health benefits.

Below is a partial list of caner fighting foods published by MD Anderson:
* Carrots
* Garlic
* Green (dark) leafy vegetables
* Onions
* Leeks
* Legumes
* Tomatoes
* Walnuts
* White button mushrooms: suppress aromatase; boost immune functions and reduce inflammation

Cancer Fighting Herbs, Spices and Teas

Tea has been cultivated for centuries, beginning in India and China. Today, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. Recent studies suggest green tea, which is made from unfermented leaves, has many health benefits. Green tea contains the highest concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals, which are thought to contribute to the development of cancer. Antioxidants, such as polyphenols in green tea, can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. (Credit: Mount Sinai Cancer Hospital)
Parsley tea, chamomile tea, rooibos tea and fenugreek tea all contain Luteolin, a flavonoid, which helps disable cancer’s ability to evade growth suppressors. Luteolin also helps regulate cell proliferation, cell cycle progression.
Allspice tastes like a blend of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, which is how it got its name. Allspice, dried and unripe berries derived from the plant Pimenta dioica, has been credited with possessing several medical benefits such as, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. Some of allspice’s most important compounds include eugenol, quercetin, gallic acid, and ericifolin. (Credited:
According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), basil is an herb packed full of flavonoids, a polyphenolic compound, shown to possess a wide variety of anticancer effects, such as modulating reactive oxygen species, scavenging enzyme activities, and suppress cancer cell proliferation and invasiveness. Add basil to your stir fry, curry, tomato-based sauces, salads, dressings and marinades
Thymoquinone (TQ) is the most abundant component of black cumin seed oil. According to the National Library of Medicine, TQ has been reported to exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and chemo preventive properties. Although the molecular mechanisms behind TQ’s anticancer role is not clearly understood, studies have shown TQ’s antioxidant role improves body's defense system and induces cancer cell apoptosis (cell death).
Cayenne peppers contains capsaicin. Medical studies show capsaicin to be a powerful antioxidant that works as an anti-inflammatory. Cayenne also contains beta-carotene, which is toxic to cancer cells and possibly helps prevent growth of cancer cells. * Check with your oncologist before adding extra beta-carotene supplements to your diet as Mount Sinai Hospital reports beta-carotene supplements may possibly increase the risk of heart disease and cancer in people who smoke or drink heavily.
Cinnamon has a long history of use as an herbal medicine. According to a medical journal article entitled, “Anti-cancer effects of cinnamon: Insights into its apoptosis effects, cinnamon is a natural component showing a wide range of pharmacological functions including antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-cancer activities. Cinnamon can also help elevate the side effects of chemotherapy as it contains a compound called hydroxychalcone, which may help to improve appetite.

According to Scient Diet, garlic is considered to be the most powerful anti-cancer spice and is part of the cancer-fighting allium group along with onions, shallots, scallions, leeks and chives. The sulfur compounds in garlic not only give garlic its distinctive scent, but also many of its health benefits as well. Each clove of garlic is packed with a variety of phytochemicals, many of which have been shown to contain cancer-fighting properties. As a bonus, garlic has been proven to boost the immune system to help fight diseases, as well as colds and flu.

You want to eat garlic every day to get the most of its cancer fighting properties. Also, according to the National Library of Medicine, chopping garlic and letting it sit for 10 minutes before consuming allows the formation of allicin which studies have shown reduces the risk of developing malignancies.

Ginger works as an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties which help to protect against cancer. Ginger also helps to fight an upset stomach and nausea, as well as can serve as an appetite stimulant.

Add ginger to your smoothies, daily meals or steep a few thin slices in hot water to create a soothing tea.

According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center mint contains perillyl alcohol, which has been shown in lab studies to prevent tumor growth. Mint also helps reduce digestive issues, which many cancer patients deal as a side effect of their treatment.

Oregano is one of the richest sources of antioxidants among herbs which slow cancer growth and promote cell death. It carries antibacterial properties as well.

Adding oregano when marinating meats helps reduce the formation of carcinogenic and mutagenic chemicals (heterocyclic amines (HCAs) ) that form when cooking muscle meats such as beef, pork, fowl, and fish at high temperatures, overcooked or blackened. (Credit: Memorial Healthcare Systems)

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), rosemary is rich in carnosol, a phytochemical that can slow cancer cell growth, strengthen immune functions, limit the production of cancer-related hormones and work as an antioxidant.
According to the journal article, “Toxicity of Saffron Extracts on Cancer and Normal Cells: A Review Article,” saffron contains 3 cancer fighting properties; crocin, crocetin, and safranal. Medical studies have shown these properties inhibit tumor formation and prevent DNA mutations that can activate cancer genes. Additionally, saffron helps reduce the harmful effects produced by chemotherapy drugs.
Thyme contains terpenoids, a group of phytochemicals that can work as antioxidants and may protect cells from cancer. Phytochemicals are part of a plant's immune system that help protect the plant from viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Phytochemicals are thought to offer humans some of that same protection. (Credit: UCLA Health)

Turmeric is a yellow curry powder with an active polyphenol ingredient called curcumin. Clinical research has shown curcumin works as an anti-inflammatory, as well as inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

To make sure it is absorbed property, be sure and mix turmeric with black pepper. Add turmeric to your daily recipes, salads, as well as your smoothies.

Cancer Fighting Recipes

What Not To Eat

According to the World Heath Organization, GMO - genetically modified foods can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.

Genetic engineering allows, for the first time, foreign genes, bacterial and viral vectors, viral promoters and antibiotic marker systems to be engineered into food.

The Center for Food Safety list GMO foods as having six potential human health concerns: toxicity, allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance, immuno-suppression, cancer and loss of nutrition.

Foods that aren't organic or don't have a Non-GMO Project seal should be avoided. A few of the most common GMO crops are:

* corn
* canola
* cottonseed
* papaya
* processed meats & foods
* soy
* sugar beets
* yellow summer squash
* zucchini

Dr. Levy of MD Anderson states saturated and trans fats may be linked to cancer; “There's a lot of research linking unhealthy fats like saturated fats and trans fats to inflammation...and inflammation may increase your risk for cancer and other diseases."

A few examples of saturated fats are:

* butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and palm oil
* bacon
* biscuits
* cakes
* cheese
* cured meats like salami, chorizo and pancetta
* fatty cuts of meat
* fried foods
* sausages

According to an article in, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, there is strong evidence for the association between circulating levels of IGF-1 levels with the development of cancer.

The growth hormone IGF-1, which has been linked to cancer growth, is produced by our liver when we eat any animal protein.

IGF-1 is essential for growth and survival that suppress death of cancer cells, as well as promote cell cycle progression and metastatic activities in various cancers.

According to the Natural Medicine Journal, IGF-1 production is triggered by the consumption of animal protein, including:
* muscle proteins in meat
* egg-white protein in eggs
* milk protein in dairy products

When it comes to dairy, the levels of IGF-1 in the bloodstream increase after the consumption of both low-fat and full-fat dairy.

According to the National Cancer Institute, there are several reasons to avoid red meat if battling cancer.

The increased risk may be explained by:
* iron and fat content in red meat. Excess iron in the body can cause problems due to causing free radical damage which can promote cancer growth.
* the salt and nitrates/nitrites in processed meats
* the meat being cooked at high temperatures, which create substances that may cause cancer. Cooking at high heat or open flame creates two main carcinogens in the meat: heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Studies show HCAs and PAHs cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.

Although dairy foods such as milk, yoghurt and cheese are a rich source of nutrients, and provide an excellent source of calcium and contain protein, vitamin and minerals they are also known to contain over 60 different hormones, as well as increase IGF-1 levels in our bodies.

According to the article, Dairy products and Cancer, milk and dairy products contain micronutrients and several bioactive constituents that may influence cancer risk and progression.

Evidence is mixed as to whether the consumption of dairy products should be avoided by cancer patients. Because of this, whether or not to avoid dairy in ones diet is an individual decision which should be made after doing a lot of reasearch.