“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”  ~ Vivian Greene

If you’ve stumbled upon this page, I’m sorry as it means either you or a loved one has cancer. I’m a wife, mother to 2 beautiful girls and grandmother to two adorable, do no wrong grandbabies! I’m a good person and try to live a good life…so why did I get cancer? After I was first diagnosed, I asked that question a lot (as I’m sure you have as well). I found that dwelling on that question too long, not only did the lack of a good answer drive me crazy, but it started putting me in a negative mental state (not where any cancer patient should be or needs to be!) It is what it is, so I decided the only thing I could do was to put my big girl panties on and deal with it the best I possibly could! Accept the diagnosis, but not the prognosis!

So what next? How do I navigate my way through this new and not so great chapter of my life? How do I stay positive and keep moving forward? How do I  turn my lemon (cancer) into lemonade? How do I increase my longevity against all odds? Welcome to my journey through Primary Peritoneal Cancer.

The information on this web site is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. I am not a licensed medical personnel or licensed dietician. I do not promise or claim any of the information contained on this website can cure you of PPC. My only desire is to share the information I have gathered through my many hours of research in hopes it can help another person suffering from PPC in some way.